
Extending base::trace() with ggtrace()

The low-level function ggtrace() is designed for interacting with functions and ggproto methods in the {ggplot2} ecosystem, from the “outside”.

Formally put, ggtrace() allows the user to inject arbitrary expressions (called traces) to functions and methods that are evaluated over the execution of a ggplot. When “triggered” by the evaluation of the ggplot, these traces may modify the resulting graphical output, or they may simply log their values to the “tracedump” for further inspection by the user. Check out the FAQ vignette for more details.

Briefly, there are three key arguments to ggtrace():

  • method: what function/method to trace
  • trace_steps: where in the body to inject expressions
  • trace_exprs what expressions to inject

A simple example:

dummy_fn <- function(x = 1, y = 2) {
  z <- x + y
## [1] 3

The following code injects the code z <- z * 10 right as dummy_fn enters the third “step” in the body, right before the line return(z) is ran.

## return(z)
  method = dummy_fn,
  trace_steps = 3L, # Before `return(z)` is ran
  trace_exprs = quote(z <- z * 10)
## `dummy_fn` now being traced.

Note that the value of trace_exprs must be of type “language” (a quoted expression), the idea being that we are injecting code to be evaluate inside the function when it is called. Often, providing the code wrapped in quote() suffices. For more complex injections see the Expressions chapter of Advanced R

After this ggtrace() call, the next time dummy_fn is called it is run with this injected code.

# Returns 30 instead of 3
## Triggering trace on `dummy_fn`
## Untracing `dummy_fn` on exit.
## [1] 30

Essentially, dummy_fn ran with this following modified code just now:

dummy_fn_traced <- function(x = 1, y = 2) {
  z <- x + y
  z <- z * 10 #< injected code!
## [1] 30

By default, traces created by {ggtrace} functions delete themselves after being triggered. You can also check whether a function is currently being traced with is_traced().

## [1] FALSE

{ggtrace} automatically logs the output of triggered trace to what we call tracedumps. For example, last_ggtrace() stores the output of the last trace created by ggtrace():

# The value of `(z <- z * 10)` when it was ran
last_ggtrace() # Note that this is a list of length `trace_steps`
## [[1]]
## [1] 30

See the references section Extending base::trace() for more functionalities offered by ggtrace().

Workflows for interacting with ggplot internals

library(ggplot2) # v3.3.5

Admittedly, ggtrace() is a bit too clunky for interactive explorations of ggplot internals. To address this, we offer “workflow” functions in the form of ggtrace_{action}_{value}(). These are grouped into three workflows: Inspect, Capture, and Highjack.

NOTE: Making the most out of these workflow functions requires a hint of knowledge about ggplot internals, namely the fact that ggproto objects like Stat and Geom exists, and that these ggprotos have methods that step in at different parts of the ggplot build/render pipeline to modify the data. If you are completely new to these concepts, you should at least watch Thomas Lin Pedersen’s talk on Extending your ability to extend ggplot2 before proceeding.

Walkthrough with geom_smooth()

Say we want to learn more about how geom_smooth() layer works, exactly

## geom_smooth: na.rm = FALSE, orientation = NA, se = TRUE
## stat_smooth: na.rm = FALSE, orientation = NA, se = TRUE
## position_identity

To do this, we’re going to adopt the example from the ggplot2 internals chapter of the ggplot book

p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy, color = drv)) + 
  geom_point(position = position_jitter(seed = 1116)) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = y ~ x) + 
  facet_wrap(vars(year)) + 
  ggtitle("A plot for expository purposes")

Let’s focus on the Stat ggproto. We see that geom_smooth() uses the StatSmooth ggproto

class( geom_smooth()$stat )
## [1] "StatSmooth" "Stat"       "ggproto"    "gg"
identical(StatSmooth, geom_smooth()$stat)
## [1] TRUE

The bulk of the work by a Stat is done in the compute_* family of methods, which are essentially just functions. We’ll focus on compute_group here:

# ggproto methods wrap over the actual function and print extra info
class( StatSmooth$compute_group )
## [1] "ggproto_method"
# Use `get_method` to pull out just the function component
class( get_method(StatSmooth$compute_group) )
## [1] "function"
# StatSmooth inherits `compute_layer`/`compute_panel` and defines `compute_group`
## $Stat
##  [1] "aesthetics"      "compute_layer"   "compute_panel"   "default_aes"    
##  [5] "finish_layer"    "non_missing_aes" "optional_aes"    "parameters"     
##  [9] "retransform"     "setup_data"     
## $StatSmooth
## [1] "compute_group" "dropped_aes"   "extra_params"  "required_aes" 
## [5] "setup_params"


Here we introduce our first workflow function ggtrace_inspect_n(), which takes a ggplot as the first argument and a ggproto method as the second argument, returning the number of times the ggproto method has been called in the ggplot’s evaluation:

ggtrace_inspect_n(x = p, method = StatSmooth$compute_group)
## [1] 6

As we might have guessed, StatSmooth$compute_group is called for each fitted line (each group) in the plot. But if StatSmooth$compute_group is essentially a function, what does it return?

We can answer that with another workflow function ggtrace_inspect_return(), which shares a similar syntax:

return_val <- ggtrace_inspect_return(x = p, method = StatSmooth$compute_group)

## [1] 80  6
##          x        y     ymin     ymax        se flipped_aes
## 1 1.800000 24.33592 23.07845 25.59339 0.6250675       FALSE
## 2 1.859494 24.17860 22.94830 25.40890 0.6115600       FALSE
## 3 1.918987 24.02127 22.81795 25.22460 0.5981528       FALSE
## 4 1.978481 23.86395 22.68738 25.04052 0.5848527       FALSE
## 5 2.037975 23.70663 22.55658 24.85668 0.5716673       FALSE
## 6 2.097468 23.54931 22.42554 24.67307 0.5586045       FALSE

Note that ggtrace_inspect_return() only gave us 1 dataframe, corresponding to the return value of StatSmooth$compute_group the first time it was called. This comes from the default value of the third argument cond being set to quote(._counter_ == 1).

Here, ._counter_ is an internal variable that keeps track of how many times the method has been called. It’s available for all workflow functions and you can read more in the Tracing context section of the docs.

If we instead wanted to get the return value of StatSmooth$compute_group for the third group of the second panel, for example, we can do so in one of two ways:

  1. Set the value of cond to an expression that evaluates to true for that panel and group:

    return_val_2_3_A <- ggtrace_inspect_return(
      x = p,
      method = StatSmooth$compute_group,
      cond = quote(data$PANEL[1] == 2 && data$group[1] == 3)
  2. Find the counter value when that condition is satisfied with ggtrace_inspect_which(), and then simply check for the value of ._counter_ back in ggtrace_inspect_return():

      x = p,
      method = StatSmooth$compute_group,
      cond = quote(data$PANEL[1] == 2 && data$group[1] == 3)
    ## [1] 6
    return_val_2_3_B <- ggtrace_inspect_return(
      x = p,
      method = StatSmooth$compute_group,
      cond = 6L # shorthand for `quote(._counter_ == 6L)`

These two approaches work the same:

identical(return_val_2_3_A, return_val_2_3_B)
## [1] TRUE


Okay, so we know what StatSmooth$compute_group returns, but how does this return value change with different input? More generally put, how does StatSmooth$compute_group behave under different contexts?

We could answer this by making a bunch of different plots using geom_smooth() and repeating the inspection workflow. Alternatively, we can capture a call to StatSmooth$compute_group and extract it as a function with ggtrace_capture_fn():

captured_fn_2_3 <- ggtrace_capture_fn(
  x = p,
  method = StatSmooth$compute_group,
  cond = quote(data$PANEL[1] == 2 && data$group[1] == 3)

captured_fn_2_3 is essentially a snapshot of the compute_group when it is called for the third group of the second panel. Simply calling captured_fn_2_3 gives us the expected return value:

identical(return_val_2_3_A, captured_fn_2_3())
## [1] TRUE

But the true power of the “capture” workflow functions lies in the ability to interact with what has been captured. In the case of ggtrace_capture_fn(), the returned function has all of the arguments passed to it at its execution stored in the formals.

In other words, it is “pre-filled” with its original values, which we can inspect with formals():

# Just showing their type/class for space
sapply( formals(captured_fn_2_3) , class)
##         data       scales       method      formula           se 
## "data.frame"       "list"  "character"    "formula"    "logical" 
##            n         span    fullrange         xseq        level 
##    "numeric"    "numeric"    "logical"       "NULL"    "numeric" 
##  method.args        na.rm  flipped_aes 
##       "list"    "logical"    "logical"

This makes it very convenient for us to explore its behavior with different arguments passed to it.

For example, when flipped_aes = TRUE, we get xmin and xmax columns replacing ymin and ymax:

head( captured_fn_2_3(flipped_aes = TRUE) )
##          y        x     xmin     xmax        se flipped_aes
## 1 15.00000 5.450710 4.369619 6.531802 0.4961840        TRUE
## 2 15.13924 5.448163 4.385577 6.510749 0.4876904        TRUE
## 3 15.27848 5.445616 4.401438 6.489794 0.4792416        TRUE
## 4 15.41772 5.443068 4.417196 6.468941 0.4708400        TRUE
## 5 15.55696 5.440521 4.432846 6.448196 0.4624882        TRUE
## 6 15.69620 5.437974 4.448381 6.427566 0.4541888        TRUE

In this sense, we can effectively simulate what happens in geom_smooth(orientation = "y") without needing to construct an entirely different ggplot.

For another example, when we set the confidence interval to 10% with level = 0.1, the ymin and ymax values deviate less from the y value:

head( captured_fn_2_3(level = 0.1) )
##          x        y     ymin     ymax       se flipped_aes
## 1 4.000000 21.70513 21.46539 21.94487 1.867921       FALSE
## 2 4.037975 21.69321 21.45840 21.92801 1.829458       FALSE
## 3 4.075949 21.68128 21.45137 21.91119 1.791313       FALSE
## 4 4.113924 21.66936 21.44430 21.89442 1.753509       FALSE
## 5 4.151899 21.65743 21.43718 21.87769 1.716067       FALSE
## 6 4.189873 21.64551 21.43001 21.86101 1.679011       FALSE

Lastly, let’s talk about the data variable we’ve been using inside the cond argument of some of these workflow functions. What is data$group and data$PANEL? How do you know what data looks like?

The answer is actually simple: it’s an argument passed to StatSmooth$compute_group. We saw earlier that it’s stored in formals(captured_fn_2_3), but to target it explicitly we can also use ggtrace_inspect_args():

args_2_3 <- ggtrace_inspect_args(
  x = p,
  method = StatSmooth$compute_group,
  cond = quote(data$PANEL[1] == 2 && data$group[1] == 3)

identical(names(args_2_3), names(formals(captured_fn_2_3)))
## [1] TRUE
##      x  y colour PANEL group
## 10 5.3 20      r     2     3
## 11 5.3 15      r     2     3
## 12 5.3 20      r     2     3
## 13 6.0 17      r     2     3
## 14 6.2 26      r     2     3
## 15 6.2 25      r     2     3
## 16 7.0 24      r     2     3
## 43 5.4 18      r     2     3
## 48 4.0 26      r     2     3
## 49 4.0 24      r     2     3
## 50 4.6 23      r     2     3
## 51 4.6 22      r     2     3
## 52 5.4 20      r     2     3
## 73 5.4 18      r     2     3

We see that PANEL and group columns conveniently give us information about the panel and group that compute_group is doing calculations over.


Once we have some understanding of how StatSmooth$compute_group works, we may want to test some hypotheses about what would happen to the resulting graphical output if the method returned something else.

Let’s revisit our examples from the Capture workflow. What if the third group of the second panel calculated a more conservative confidence interval (level = 0.1)? What is this effect on the graphical output?

To answer this question, we use ggtrace_highjack_return() to have a method return an entirely different value.

First we store the modified return value in some variable:

modified_return_smooth <- captured_fn_2_3(level = 0.1)

Then we target the same group inside cond and pass modified_return_smooth to the value argument:

  x = p,
  method = StatSmooth$compute_group,
  cond = quote(data$PANEL[1] == 2 && data$group[1] == 3),
  value = modified_return_smooth

The confidence band is now nearly invisible for that fitted line because it’s only capturing a 10% confidence interval!

Here’s another example where we make the method fit predictions from a loess regression instead. To achieve this directly, we use ggtrace_highjack_args() here and set the values to list(method = "loess"):

  x = p,
  method = StatSmooth$compute_group,
  cond = quote(data$PANEL[1] == 2 && data$group[1] == 3),
  values = list(method = "loess")

Lastly, ggtrace_highjack_return() exposes an internal function called returnValue() in the value argument, which simply returns the original return value. Passing the value argument an expression computing on returnValue() allows on-the-fly modifications to the graphical output.

For example, we can “intercept” the dataframe output of a ggproto method, do data wrangling on it, and have the method return that new dataframe instead. Here, we hack the data for the group to make it look like there’s an absurd degree of heteroskedasticity:

library(dplyr) # v1.0.8

  x = p,
  method = StatSmooth$compute_group,
  cond = quote(data$PANEL[1] == 2 && data$group[1] == 3),
  value = quote({
    returnValue() %>% 
        ymin = y - se * seq(0, 10, length.out = n()),
        ymax = y + se * seq(0, 10, length.out = n())

Middle-ground approach with_ggtrace()

So far we’ve seen the low-level function ggtrace() and the high-level family of workflow functions ggtrace_{action}_{value}(). But once you get more familiar with ggplot internals and start using ggtrace() to “hack into” the internals (moving from learner to developer, in a sense), you might want both exploit both the power and convenience that {ggtrace} provides across these two designs.

For that we provide with_ggtrace(), which wraps around ggtrace() to give you access to its full power, while keeping its effects localized (e.g., no side-effects) and therefore making it more fitting for a functional programming workflow.

Like ggtrace(), you can inject code into different steps of a method as it runs:

  x = p + facet_grid(year ~ drv),
  method = Layout$render,
  trace_steps = c(5L, 8L),
  trace_exprs = rlang::exprs(
      # First, turn all panels except the 4th semi-transparent
      panels[-4] <- lapply(panels[-4], function(panel) {
        editGrob(panel, gp = gpar(alpha = .4))
      # Second, give red outline and fill to 4th panel
      panels[[4]] <- gTree(children = gList(panels[[4]],
        rectGrob(x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1,
                 gp = gpar(col = "red", lwd = 5, fill = "red", alpha = 0.1))
      # Third, give it some emphasis by connecting to facet strips
      outline_rect <- rectGrob(
        x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1,
        gp = gpar(col = "red", lwd = 2, fill = NA)
      plot_table <- gtable_add_grob(
        plot_table, outline_rect,
        t = 1, l = 2, b = 5, r = 2, z = Inf
      plot_table <- gtable_add_grob(
        plot_table, outline_rect,
        t = 5, l = 2, b = 5, r = 7, z = Inf
  out = "g"

And like the workflow functions, you can have conditional traces that only evaluate when a condition is met, using if statements inside trace_exprs with once = FALSE.

  trace_steps = -1L,
  trace_exprs = quote({
    # Give gradient fill to the confidence bands for third group
    if (data$group[1] == 3) {
      g_poly <- editGrob(
        gp = gpar(fill = linearGradient(
          colours = c("purple", "skyblue", "pink"),
          stops = c(0, 0.5, 1),
          x1 = 0, x2 = 1, y1 = 0, y2 = 0
  once = FALSE, # to test `if` for all calls to method
  out = "g"

And of course, all of this is not limited to objects from the {ggplot2} package itself. You can have fun hacking extension packages as well!

library(ggh4x) # v0.2.1

# Example from - https://teunbrand.github.io/ggh4x/articles/Facets.html ----

## Base plot ====
p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy, colour = as.factor(cyl))) + geom_point() +
  labs(x = "Engine displacement", y = "Highway miles per gallon") +
  guides(colour = "none")

## Fixed-aspect plot w/ independent scales using `ggh4x::facet_grid2()` ====
p2 <- p +
  ggh4x::facet_grid2(vars(year), vars(drv), scales = "free", independent = "all") +
  theme_grey(base_size = 9) +
  theme(aspect.ratio = 1)

# Highjacking the plot's execution using `ggtrace::with_ggtrace()` ----
  ## Argument 1: The ggplot to interact with durings its execution ====
  x = p2,
  ## Argument 2: The method to inject code into ====
  method = ggh4x::FacetGrid2$draw_panels,
  ## Argument 3: The step in the method right before `panels` and `axes` ====
  ## are merged into the `panel_table` <gtable> and shipped off
  trace_steps = 13, # See `ggbody(FacetGrid2$draw_panels)`
  ## Argument 4: The code injection to rotate the 2nd panel ====
  trace_exprs = quote({
    ### FIRST, specify row/column of panel to target ####
    row <- 1
    col <- 2
    target_panel <- layout[layout$ROW == row & layout$COL == col, ]$PANEL
    left_axis    <- axes$left[[row, col]]
    bottom_axis  <- axes$bottom[[row, col]]
    ### SECOND, replace target panel with a version of itself ####
    ### that has axes attached to it, using `grid::gTree()`
    panels[[target_panel]] <- gTree(
      ##### Argument `children`: a list (`grid::gList()`) of three grobs:
      children = gList(
        ###### 1. The original panel itself
        ###### 2. Resized/repositioned left y-axis for that panel
          vp = viewport(
            x = unit(0.5, "npc") - grobWidth(left_axis) / 2,
            just = c("right")
        ###### 3. Resized/repositioned bottom x-axis for that panel
          vp = viewport(
            y = unit(0.5, "npc") - grobHeight(bottom_axis) / 2,
            just = c("top")
      ##### Argument `vp`: Rotation for this combination of three grobs
      vp = viewport(width = .7, height = .7, angle = 45)
    ### THIRD, "remove" the original axes for that panel ####
    axes$left[[row, col]]    <- zeroGrob() 
    axes$bottom[[row, col]]  <- zeroGrob()
  ## Argument `out`: The return value for `with_ggtrace()` ====
  ## "gtable" returns the graphical output after injecting the code
  out = "gtable" # you can also use the "g" shorthand

Case study: Data-driven legends

Suppose we want to change the fill legend key from squares to the actual violins drawn for each category:

violin_plot <- dplyr::starwars %>% 
  filter(species == "Human", !is.na(height)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(gender, height)) +
  geom_violin(aes(fill = gender)) +
    aspect.ratio = 1,
    legend.key.size = unit(1, "in"),
    legend.key = element_rect(color = "grey", fill = NA)


We know that each violin is drawn by GeomViolin$draw_group, called for each group in the plot.

ggtrace_inspect_n(violin_plot, GeomViolin$draw_group)
## [1] 2

Let’s grab the plotted violins with ggtrace_inspect_return()

violins <- lapply(1:2, ggtrace_inspect_return,
                  x = violin_plot, method = GeomViolin$draw_group)
## [[1]]
## polygon[geom_violin.polygon.3084] 
## [[2]]
## polygon[geom_violin.polygon.3142]

Then, we can use ggtrace_highjack_return() to highjack the return value of the key drawing method GeomViolin$draw_key such that it returns the output from the draw_group method instead. We set cond = 1:2 and value = substitute(violins[[._counter_]]) so that the draw_key method returns the first violin as the first legend key, and the second violin as the second legend key.

  cond = 1:2, # or `cond = TRUE` since method is called twice total
  value = substitute(violins[[._counter_]])

Note that violins in the legend are drawn with respect to the panel coordinate system, because that’s how the draw_group method does things. For a cleaner look, we use the defined function center_and_resize() which modifies the violin grob using grid::editGrob() before passing them off to ggtrace_highjack_return().

center_and_resize <- function(grob) {
  x_range <- range(unclass(grob$x))
  y_range <- range(unclass(grob$y))
  width <- diff(x_range)
  height <- diff(y_range)
  resizing <- (1 - 0.2)/max(width, height)
  editGrob(grob, vp = viewport(
    xscale = x_range, yscale = y_range,
    width = width * resizing, height = height * resizing
violins_centered_resized <- lapply(violins, center_and_resize)

violin_plot_highjacked <- ggtrace_highjack_return(
  cond = 1:2,
  value = substitute(violins_centered_resized[[._counter_]])

To keep this effect while keeping the violin_plot a ggplot object, you can create a custom key glyph function that inspects the fill color of the original legend keys and returns the corresponding violin.

names(violins_centered_resized) <- c("#F8766D", "#00BFC4")

violin_plot_keyglyph <- dplyr::starwars %>% 
  filter(species == "Human", !is.na(height)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(gender, height)) +
    aes(fill = gender),
    key_glyph = function(data, params, size) {   #<
      violins_centered_resized[[data$fill]]      #<  Custom `key_glyph` function
    }                                            #<
  ) +
    aspect.ratio = 1,
    legend.key.size = unit(1, "in"),
    legend.key = element_rect(color = "grey", fill = NA)

Note the difference in output between the two methods. While highjack workflow functions offer a convenient way of modifying a ggplot, it forces the conversion of a ggplot object into a grob.

## [1] "ggtrace_highjacked" "gtable"             "gTree"             
## [4] "grob"               "gDesc"
violin_plot_highjacked +
  labs(title = "Violin plot with data-driven legend key glyphs")
## Error in violin_plot_highjacked + labs(title = "Violin plot with data-driven legend key glyphs"): non-numeric argument to binary operator
## [1] "gg"     "ggplot"
violin_plot_keyglyph +
  labs(title = "Violin plot with data-driven legend key glyphs")

The lesson here is that the highjack workflow (and the {ggtrace} package, more broadly) is the means, not the end. Users are encouraged to generalize solutions beyond one-off hacks using the toolkit of workflow functions to determine the appropriate point of extension.